Jun 28Liked by BARRY GANDER

Where was the fact checking? They know the questions for many days. Literally 90% lies from Mango Mussolini. You can't win a debate with imaginary facts, except in Merica. Biden did have the best line of the debate. Trump: "Let's not be childish." Biden: You ARE a child!"

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They should have asked Trump the tough questions...shown him a picture and asked him to pick out the elephant...

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It is time to recognize the 'elephant in the room' before there is a MAGA elephant in the White House. There has been a noticeable decline in Biden's health and stamina since his performance at the State of the Union Address. What we witnessed was not a debate but a medical crisis. I am not a doctor, but as an aged man, I know the signs of a stroke - the uncoordinated movements, drooping left side of Biden's face, and cognitive befuddlement. We are entitled to a medical evaluation immediately or Trump will fabricate one for us.

Yes, Biden is a good man, but he is obviously in medical distress. FDR persevered and died in office but it was during war time and there was no serious or threatening opposition. The stakes are too high to sweep this under the rug and hope for the best, Trump showed us the damage of an enraged bull elephant can do to a room, a campaign, and ultimately a nation.

As someone pointed out, "people vote not by logic but viscerally." We can't un-see what happened at the debate and like Nixon's 'fop sweat' during his debate with JFK, the writing is on the wall. Biden crashed and burned, but the question is what sort of phoenix will rise from the ashes. Fortunately, the Democrats have a lot of good, vibrant choices. Joe has to do one last "right thing" and step aside.

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Yes, I have my favorites too... this will be interesting. But in tossing aside Joe, if they do, they would lose someone who has done a lot in terms of social programs.

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Yes, but you're using logic and voters vote viscerally from the subconscious. For whatever reason Biden projected the worst image at the worst possible time. He triggered a deep sense of primal fear and he cannot walk this back. Someone else has to step in and create a new image for the Democrats. And, that message needs to be quick and clear. The MAGA mob is spreading Joe's pathetic image and magnifying their lies. They smell blood in the water and going into a frenzy. We need a savior and Joe is down for the count.

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