Perhaps, but the COVID quarantine is the last nail in Biden’s candidacy coffin. Your logic is fine, but people vote viscerally. It is long past time for some renewed enthusiasm and vigor. Times a’wasting…

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Thanks for this, Barry. It's a glimmer of hope amidst the forecast of doom from mainstream media.

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You are very welcome! Doom is easy; optimism a bit harder...but more accurate.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

It was a great post until you got to Hillary. I voted for her & will again if obliged, but unhappily. I much prefer Biden’s policies over Hillary’s. I don’t think Hillary would have done half as much as Biden has accomplished. At this point if Dems dump Biden, it has to be Harris, but I believe those calling for Biden’s ouster are doing so from fear he’ll die in office & we’ll have a Bkack woman President, so Harris at the top of a ticket probably wouldn’t be acceptable to the bigwigs either.

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Yes, I agree. It would be ironic for those pushing for Biden's ouster that there might be no way out of the "Harris Trap". Serves them right...

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19

Great read and thanks for the mention. Let's not forget that the founder of 538 was Nate Silver who skewered their prediction model recently and believes Trump has expanded his lead. With Silver's critique of the 538 data at least I now understand why the weighting of polling versus fundamentals is so important to those models.

It's also interesting how the MSM is reporting that large corporate interests are against Trump when just the opposite makes more sense for the reasons you mentioned. With uber capitalists like Musk and Peter Thiel (aka The Paypal Mafia) throwing money at Trump it's counterintuitive that corporate greed would bet against him. Thiel was also solely responsibly for the meteoric rise of JD Vance. As usual the big boys are no doubt hedging their bets for any possible outcome. They have little regard for the impacts on the nation or the world which will be horrific beyond belief if Trump regains power.

I believe Biden steps down this weekend and hands the keys over to Harris who was also elected. She will destroy Trump in the next two debates which Biden simply cannot do anymore. If she picks Mayor Pete he will do likewise to Vance and I think the whole nation will buy out all the popcorn for what will prove to be absolutely riveting spectacles of love versus hate, justice versus corruption.

What greater poetic justice than a minority female and a gay white male obliterating their tormentors on stage in the global war of ideals that would mesmerize nearly every country on the planet. Not since Eleanor Roosevelt and her maniacal push for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1946-48 would the downtrodden and oppressed of the entire world benefit from such bold American leadership on Human Rights. The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice. - MLK

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Brilliant ideas! YOU should write a column...

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Thanks again.

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The truth is that I struggle with the bane of every wannabe writer. Making a living!

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