I could not disagree with you more. Government is an ‘art’ not a ‘science.’ All countries have espionage laws and all do bad things for seemingly good reasons. Is it ideal? No, but it is the harsh reality of geopolitics.

Assange enticed a vulnerable Chelsea Manning to steal classified military documents and Assange dumped them unredacted to friend and foe alike.

Both actions are crimes. Manning served time but narcissistic Assange true to form denies responsibility and plays the victim martyr card. Chelsea is more of a mensch than Julian is.

By the way, who is providing the private jet to whisk Assange back to Australia? I bet there is some quid pro quo playing out there. 🤨

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Just to add to my "narcissist" accusation:

"Where do the worlds of pop-superstardom and international espionage meet? Aboard a $40 million private jet at 41,000 feet, of course.

The jet WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange paid $500,000 to fly him from London to Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands on Monday is none other than the same plane Taylor Swift chartered when she famously rushed from a Japan concert to watch her boyfriend Travis Kelce win the Super Bowl in Las Vegas back in February..."


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Actually, Assange owes the Australian government $520,000 for the jet charter - it was not donated by anyone. No doubt he will make that up pretty fast in books and speeches - but all that publicity is a result of unjust persecution. If the political party called MAGA had just left him alone, he would be only moderately notorious and Manning would not have gone to jail - where she was pardoned by Biden. Our system has too much scope for personal vindictiveness.

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P.T. Barnum was right...

"Anonymous cryptocurrency investor donates $753,000 worth of Bitcoin to fund Julian Assange’s private jet home" https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/wealth/anonymous-cryptocurrency-investor-donates-753000-worth-of-bitcoin-to-fund-julian-assanges-private-jet-home/news-story/929353d2bb5c9672aae774f76d96d53a

I still say Taylor Swift did it better... 🙄

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