Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Lichtman has a pretty good rebuttal in the link of the mini-primary path and said it has NEVER worked in the past. Either party has always lost the presidency if the incumbent didn't run and there was a "brawl" as he said. I suppose a few weeks of badmouthing each other could do that but then again it's prob never been tried running against a demagogue. He said the only Plan B is for Biden to step down as President and support Harris, based on history. At 21:30 in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXXu50lbdC8

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It should also be pointed out that the fundraising will have to start again. People have given money for the Biden candidacy - not a Democratic candidacy. So not only would a new person have to start afresh (with their own baggage) but they will start with zero dollars.

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Per the NYT piece just read: Clyburn, Pelosi, Raskin, Schiff, Khanna, Whitehouse, among many others have been quoted as concerned about his fitness, if not yet demanding he step down. Obviously some of them are still in leadership and have to play their cards very carefully to be team players. That's a lot more than just the MSM.

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Pelosi e.g. supports his candidacy, so I am not worried. The numbers of other Dems who oppose him is about 2% of the Congress.

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Jul 10·edited Jul 10

How can Trump still be leading in the seven swing states after being convicted of 34 felonies? Because the other guy delivered a truly awful debate performance due to his cognitive decline, it's as simple as that. I lost count of how many times I yelled "Close your mouth Joe" at the TV as Biden stared, mouth hanging open, at Trump. He looked terrible.

It's not just the media pointing out this enormous problem. Jim Clyburn and James Carville are not media and neither are the dozens of other Dem leaders now questioning if he should stay in the race. Look, I don't think he will step down at this point unless there is another major debacle like that in a very visible way and he is then forced out. But why should we take that chance? It could happen at any time. What is the real risk of running a mini-primary and then him backing the winner?

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According to Lichtman's formula, the Dems are then even less likely to win.

Also, as noted, an entirely new fund-raising effort has to be launched.

Biden has worked hard to deserve this opportunity. I would hate to see it blown by corporate media owners who want to get lower taxes by ejecting him.

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