Barry you wrote "someday, the American people will go back to the polls [and] re-join the democratic world – a world it largely invented and championed". I'm going to take exception to that. The roots of democracy have evolved over centuries of strife throughout Europe. Democracy is not an American idea and it is not something they have championed either. Name one country that America fought in that is currently a democracy due to American influence. There aren't any. For all it's terrible history, the UK created a long list of democracies, including some of the largest democracies in the world, like India. America didn't invent democracy and they certainly have not championed it over the last few centuries. There has always been a strong undercurrent of bigotry, racism and fascism in America. Sometimes it rises to the surface like a festering boil. Sometimes it almost seems to not exist. However, it is always there, seething for an opportunity. Trump is the opportunity of these times.
Yes, it has a long history. I was getting at the current form of democracy that was pioneered in America in the early 1700's, when America had citizens that were the best-read people on the planet. There is indeed a lot of wood behind that arrow-head, as you say.
The only possible route out of this nightmare is for sane dem minds to back talk with Republican senators n Congress people who are up for reelection in districts where the current policies are getting constituents angry. Reps in close districts are probably going to lose. The only possible chance at redemption is to stand up for the right things n be counted. No idea if they have any courage or even self respect to do that. Otherwise it's midterms from hell, if we make it there.
Yep. Predictable but stupid. The American military machine needs weapons to be used so they can build n sell more. Rumps backers are gonna let him know that they are unhappy.
Barry you wrote "someday, the American people will go back to the polls [and] re-join the democratic world – a world it largely invented and championed". I'm going to take exception to that. The roots of democracy have evolved over centuries of strife throughout Europe. Democracy is not an American idea and it is not something they have championed either. Name one country that America fought in that is currently a democracy due to American influence. There aren't any. For all it's terrible history, the UK created a long list of democracies, including some of the largest democracies in the world, like India. America didn't invent democracy and they certainly have not championed it over the last few centuries. There has always been a strong undercurrent of bigotry, racism and fascism in America. Sometimes it rises to the surface like a festering boil. Sometimes it almost seems to not exist. However, it is always there, seething for an opportunity. Trump is the opportunity of these times.
Yes, it has a long history. I was getting at the current form of democracy that was pioneered in America in the early 1700's, when America had citizens that were the best-read people on the planet. There is indeed a lot of wood behind that arrow-head, as you say.
The only possible route out of this nightmare is for sane dem minds to back talk with Republican senators n Congress people who are up for reelection in districts where the current policies are getting constituents angry. Reps in close districts are probably going to lose. The only possible chance at redemption is to stand up for the right things n be counted. No idea if they have any courage or even self respect to do that. Otherwise it's midterms from hell, if we make it there.
i read yesterdaay that the us has suspended all military aid to ukraine, SHAMEFUL
Yep. Predictable but stupid. The American military machine needs weapons to be used so they can build n sell more. Rumps backers are gonna let him know that they are unhappy.